Social Media Audit

It's hard to know what you're doing wrong on social media without a professional evaluation. Even if you think you have a good idea, it's always best to get a second opinion. A lot can be said about your business just by looking at your social media accounts. 

Are your posts getting the same level of engagement as your competition?

What kind of messaging are you using, and is it effective? 

Let us help take all of that guesswork out of the equation for you.

We review your competition's content, messaging, engagement, and overall performance. Then, identify potential opportunities for you to take your brand's approach to social media. What may be working for them can also work for you in your way. Finally, I will tap into that potential and provide you with an optimized audit and strategy report unique to your business.

What's included?

  • Your Bio - full review and suggest edits to ensure your bio is best optimized for your target market & goals. 

  • Content - A review of your captions and content & suggest edits to ensure they resonate with your target market.

  • Your Stats - a review of your current engagement rate, target audience, demographics, locations, etc. Are you reaching your ideal audience? If not, we provide you with tips to make improvements.

  • SEO/ Indexing Review - we review your current use of keywords and hashtags and give you the best recommendations and a strategy moving forward. 

  • Strategy & Gameplan - The PDF report will include a customized strategy and game plan for you to implement immediately so you can start seeing results!

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Social Media Audit$350

  • Total payment
  • 1xSocial Media Audit$350

All prices in USD
